Join Us

Imbala is run by and for the members.

Members make everything that happens at Imbala possible: from grocery shopping and cooking all our delicious food to planning parties, movie screenings, and more.

All decisions about the cooperative, including what's on the menu, how to respond to current events, and what the space looks like are made by consensus during monthly assemblies.

We invite you to become a part of our dynamic community by becoming a member and joining us.

Don’t live in Jerusalem, but still care about building a vibrant, active, and nurtured activist community here? Consider supporting us from afar!

Become a monthly sustainer through Patreon or support us with a one time donation with Paypal.

Who can be a member?

Anyone can be a member of Imbala, under the sole condition that one can accept the other members that make up the space.

What are the benefits of membership?

As members of Imbala, you will firstly become a part of our nourishing and flourishing community.
You will participe in decision making, in special member-only events, you will have the right to reserve the space for any activities you may want to bring to Imbala. If they are open to the public, or your personal meetings.
You are also entitled to discounts on food and drinks.

What does membership entail?

Membership to Imbala requires at least one 4-hour shift per month, as well as a membership fee of 20 NIS per month.

How do I become a member?

Send us an email to and we'll get back to you :-)